One worry that many homeowners face when drying out water damaged carpet is how long it takes the carpet to fully dry. Many factors will determine how long it takes, including the type of carpet, temperatures indoors and outdoors, the amount and quality of the airflow, and the type and severity of damage that your carpet has sustained. Read on to learn how these factors may affect the time it takes for your home carpets to dry after a spill or leak. 

1. What Type of Carpet You Have

One of the most important things you need to consider in achieving a dry carpet is the type of carpet it is. Carpets obviously come in all different sizes and lengths but you’ll also want to bear in mind the density. Measured in fibres per square inch/cm, denser, thicker carpets won’t dry as fast as less thick carpets.

Furthermore, longer carpet lengths can also obstruct the free flow of air and restrict the suction ability of many vacuum dryers, so don’t be surprised if it takes longer for these types of carpets to dry.

In general, short carpets that aren’t too dense and have excellent airflow via air gaps can dry in less than an hour, all other things held constant. If it takes longer than 10 hours, there may be other problems present that will require the assistance of a carpet cleaning professional.

2. Outside Temperature

When heavy-duty hoses and equipment are required to thoroughly clean a carpet, outdoor temperatures begin to matter a lot more. Often, these devices are portable and as such need to be run from the carpet cleaner’s vehicle all the way into the home. If outdoor temperatures are low, such as less than 10 degrees, then even if the machine is pumping hot water much of the heat will be dissipated depending on the distance from which the hose needs to run.

Ideally, ensure that the carpet cleaner can park on your property as close to the home’s entrances as possible to reduce the loss of heat and to ensure that sufficient heat treatment can be applied.

3. Air Flow

Once all of the carpet cleaning work has been completed, you’ll want to ensure that the room in which the carpet is found has plenty of dry air flowing throughout. Hot, humid air won’t help and can promote moisture and bacterial growth, so instead let in dry air and allow it to circulate fully through the room.

Dehumidifiers and fans used in tandem can do an excellent job in humid climates and also in dry climates when a little extra dehumidification is required.

4. Type of Stain or Damage Sustained

Water can seem harmless enough elsewhere in the home, but water can be devastating to carpets due to its ability to accelerate mould and bacterial growth if left untreated. Other stains such as urine can also create foul odours and be difficult to remove if left to set, so it’s worthwhile noting what type of damage has been sustained and how bad the situation is. Naturally, completely soaked carpets will take a lot longer to dry than ones that have only partially been exposed to water.

Contact Electrovac Today

Carpet repairs and replacement don’t need to be a hassle, but they should be done properly to promote good quality air in the home and to last a long time as well. That’s why, if you’re in Melbourne you should endeavour to contact Electrovac at the first sign of water damage or if you feel that your carpet needs to be replaced.